Can You Escape?

Can You Escape Tampa - front of buildingIn July for a friend’s birthday, myself and seven others got together to try out Tampa’s “Can You Escape” team adventure.

The gist is this: You and your teammates are all locked in a room. You have to search through the room to find all the clues that will lead to your escape – but you only have 60 minutes to do so.

This game was a ton of fun! It did get a bit tense at times, especially towards the end of the 60 minutes, but you have to learn to work together and share any clues that you find with your teammates in order to escape. We took some time to get the hang of that. Everyone kept wanting to do their own things and we didn’t always share with everyone the new things we had found.

Now, did we win? You bet we did did! We managed to get the door open with five minutes to spare. We were told afterwards that the fastest team to solve it had about 10 minutes left, so we have to get in a bit more practice before we could enter any competitions.

The theme we played was the “office” theme, which was the only theme  available to us at the time we went. They did tell us that they were planning on adding two new themes by the end of the year – including a London theme which would be there shortly.

No pictures of the room, I’m afraid. They made us all lock our purses and phones into lockers before we entered the room. We couldn’t be permitted to spoil the game for anyone else who wanted to go.

If you live near Tampa and want to check it out, here is their website:

1 Comment

  1. Lisa marie

    Sounds like alot of fun :)

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