• Costa Rica – Part I – The Beginning: La Selva
    In 2003 (13 years ago!) I went to Costa Rica as part of a study abroad program for my college. I was required to keep a journal while I was there and then turn it in after the trip. I have had this journal sitting in my bookshelf for years just collecting dust, and I ...
  • Costa Rica – Part II: Pale Verde
    The pseudomyrmex ants are constantly patrolling the acacia trees, but if you don’t see them at any time, all you generally have to do is shake a branch on the tree, which will cause a swarm of ants to come out. Because this relationship has evolved over many years, the tree now depends on the ...
  • Costa Rica – Part III – The Ending: Monte Verde & Manuel Antonio
    And now for the final installment of my Costa Rica adventure! If you haven’t read part II, you can do so here. June 3 Today was a very long bus ride to Monte Verde, but at least it was enjoyable. For a good portion of the drive we were going up a mountain, and the scenery was beautiful. There ...