May the force be with you…

Well guys, I don’t have much to say about yesterday, because I didn’t really do much. I walked around the city and the beach, waiting for when my bus was going to come.

I did talk to this one guy who I had seen around the city a few times. He was Hawaiian and had long dark hair. I had noticed him because he walked around with his shirt off everywhere and he always carried a ball. One time I had passed him he bounced the ball in my direction, I caught it, and bounced it back to him. He smiled and thanked me, and then we kept walking. It was interesting.

When I saw him yesterday, he stopped to talk to me and ask me where I was from. I told him, and then he asked me if I was at the Nimbin market yesterday. I’m not sure how he knew, but maybe that is a big thing to do on Sundays? So I said, “yes I was!” and then somehow we started talking about comparing Sydney to Byron Bay. He was talking about how people in Sydney live for time (i.e. always checking their watches) and that people in Byron Bay have time to live. Or something to that effect, I don’t remember if those were his exact words. And then he told me that he didn’t even wear a watch except to keep track of how much time he had spent meditating that day. Then he asked me, “What is the purpose of your trip to Australia?” And of course, I didn’t really know how to answer that. However, I didn’t end up having to because at that moment someone else came up to him to ask him for his advice, and then another person came by for advice. So it was definitely interesting. He was like the Byron Bay Yoda!

I kind of wanted to wait around to talk to him more, since he was an interesting character, but it was getting close to the time when I had to get ready for my bus to Sydney so I went on my merry way.

That is my story about yesterday! Now I have to decide what my purpose is for coming to Australia. It’s not to party all day and night, that’s for sure. And I don’t want to just do tourist stuff the entire time either.

Anyway, after a 12 hour bus ride I’m back in Sydney. I do have pictures that I will be posting soon but I haven’t finished uploading them yet. It takes a long time for all that. Probably tomorrow I will post links for new pictures. Are you all very excited???

Also – I just want to say that I do appreciate and read and enjoy all the comments that you guys write! If I don’t thank you for your comments in a post, it’s not because I don’t read them! I just usually have a mission when I am writing posts, and I don’t always remember to mention something someone might have commented on. Thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings. Karen, thanks for the insiders perspective on Australia, it’s always great to learn new things and new slang words. Lisa, fairy floss is actually what it sounds like. Dental Floss for fairies. They need clean teeth too, you know. Clap your hands if you believe!

Peace out guys I’ll write more tomorrow!



  1. PMH

    May the Force be with You!

  2. Cheryl

    Hey, did you get our message on your cell? Us singing to you? Your answering machine lady has an Australian accent! *lol*

  3. stacy122982

    Me again!
    SOOOO I NEED you to spend more time with Yoda!! He seems really cool! And you guys might have babies…(uh…j/k mom & dad)
    Okay, ttyl!
    PS…9 days till VEGAS!!!! WOO!!
    I’ll right a blog about Vegas…don’t you worry.

  4. Lisah0822

    (clap clap clap) i DO believe in fairies!! that’s so funny about the fairy floss. pretty cool.

    Yeah, Yoda did seem cool. if you see him again, try to sneak a picture of him. pretend your taking a picture of something behind him :-)
    Did Yoda tell you his name? although he was “asian” did he have an Aus accent? was he FROM Oz?

    i wanna see more pictures young lady!!!!

  5. PMH

    Stacy…I am so ashamed of you! Don’t you even know the difference between “right” and “write?”

  6. Lourana

    Interesting to know.

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