I’m back!

Well, back to the internet at least. Sorry I didn’t have one last blog before I left like I planned to, but wouldn’t you know it, the internet in the hostel was out for like 18 hours and then I had to go to surf camp, where there was no internet.

I just want to get one thing straight though, since my last blog ended on a sour note. True, I really don’t like big cities (i.e. Sydney) and true, I almost died, but that doesn’t mean I’m a quitter and I’d want to pack up and go home! It just means I want to get myself to another spot! I’m surprised at anyone who thought I wanted to give up. For shame, you should know me better than that. AND I expect many, many more things to try to kill me in Australia before I leave!

Surf camp was definitely a welcome change of scenery. So much quieter, so so much nicer than Sydney. The only problem was that it rained every day.  I’m going to fill you in on surf camp tomorrow morning or later today (my time) because I really don’t have time to go into it all right now. I’m now in Byron Bay and while it is KIND of a city, it is AWESOME. More like Princeton city instead of New York City. I absolutely love it so far (only been here a couple of hours though) and I think that I might even come back here before the Australian trip is up.

And I do have pics of me surfing that I will upload when I can, hopefully I will do that tomorrow when I tell you all about my time since I last spoke (i.e. blogged).

This was pretty much to let everyone know I am still alive and well, I’m a little sunburnt, but I’m still kicking!

Talk to you all soon!

Oh, and Karen, it is so funny that you signed it Kaz because that was what the instructor at surf camp kept calling me, she said it was a common nick name for Karen. Now I know it’s true! I like that nick name, I think everyone should call me Kaz from now on. It’s so hip!


P.S. – Stacy and Lisa, Oz is short for Australia.


  1. PMH

    Oh my dear KazBear, ;-)

    I am so glad to hear from you again. Sorry I missed your call, but had to go shopping in between the blizzards! I hope you know I am sooo very jealous that you are there and I am not! Hopefully one day, I will get there. I am soo tired of the cold and snow. Hear that Kaz from Oz??

  2. PMH

    Oh yeah my two darling little daughters…quit bickering with each other. You are both wrong all the time! The Wizard of Oz…LOL
    Follow that yellow brick road.

  3. Dad

    Hey Karen,
    Glad your back and that you had a good time. The way I figure it,it’s about 11:30pm Feb. 8th in Australia right now as I’m writing this which means in a 1/2 hour it will be your birthday. Let me be the 1st (?) to send you birthday greetings from the states.
    Hope your able to go out and celebrate.
    Can’t wait to see some pictures and hear more details from your stay at surf camp.


  4. lisah0822@comcast.net


    can’t wait to see more pics and hear about surf camp! i knew you wouldnt be a quitter. shame on everyone else ;-p

    i’m glad your in a more enjoyable town/city now. i hope the rest of your trip only gets better.

    top of the mornin to ya!!

  5. stacy122982

    Lisa is such a nerd…I need not say why this time. I’ll let the rest of you make your own decision.
    What are you getting me for your birthday??? Hopefully it is a tall, handsome Aussi!
    PS..thanks for calling me last night!!

  6. lisah0822@comcast.net

    i’m not a nerd, i’m just a fun loving person who was “gifted” w/ our parents awkward sense of humor ;-) (still love u mom and dad)
    oh, and btw stac, sorry to tell you this, but you were given that “gift” too. if you don’t believe me, just think back to 2 nights ago, a specific phone call you made to me…..coming back to you?

    ps, thanks for calling me too, BEFORE stacy, and telling me you dreaded having to call stacy, but knew she would bitch if you didnt….oops, did i say that aloud?

  7. PMH

    Happy Birthday Kaz! Even though it seems weird to say it to you a day in advance. Hehe

    Love you and miss you!
    Mom from the Artic

  8. kaz

    Hi Karen,
    Just heard it’s your birthday, so happy birthday hope you celebrated it in style, glad to hear you are finally seeing a bit of skin (hot guys). Remember in oz, everything is abbreviated, Karen –kaz, then there is shaz, daz and rosco, every name is cut short, when your mum gets here, she will be trish or trisha, it’s Aussie lingo. Try a boag (beer) it’s the best in the land of oz, its from tassie and made from the freshest water in the world.

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