
Welcome to the new and improved Karenesque. Why don’t you grab a cup of coffee and have a look around?

First, a little bit about me:

I have many interests. I love technology and learning everything I can about computers and software. I enjoy being the person my friends or family turn to when they can’t fix something themselves – I love figuring out the problem. It gives me an incredible sense of accomplishment!

I’m also a very creative person. I built this particular website in about a month (and most of that time was spent trying to correct the formatting of the blogs after I had transferred them over from Blogger). The Haikugeek website took a little bit longer – Dreamweaver is certainly more complex than WordPress! But learning how to do it was just as much fun as actually doing it.

I also enjoy video editing and writing. Please check out my videos page to see some of my work – the Sunken Gardens video is my personal favorite. And if you have time, stay around to read some of my Australian Blog adventures! The Tasmania trip is highly recommended.

Hope you enjoy the site!

Artistic Purple image of Karen